My Top 5 Tried and True Thanksgiving Tips to Avoid the Battle of the Bulge

My Top 5 Tried and True Thanksgiving Tips to Avoid the Battle of the Bulge


If you are a planner like me, this whole ‘no plan’ holiday season is really hard. This time last year, I was writing out lists, prepping food, coordinating travel and stay logistics, and getting into the holiday spirit. If I shut my eyes and imagine Thanksgiving, I see my family cooking together in the kitchen, laughing, and eating yummy food. I don’t think I am the only one feeling a little lost without  my traditional Thanksgiving routine or even a plan that I know won’t change at the last minute. 

I have already been fielding questions from my clients about how to plan for Thanksgiving meals, what to do about college kids with travel plans in flux and how to safely spend time with aging parents. The last thing they are thinking about is how to manage healthy eating  this Thanksgiving!

But I am here to send some good news (finally)!  Studies have proven that the average adult really only gains about 1lb during the holiday season. With just a few simple, and yes, I really mean simple tips, we can stay on track this Thanksgiving and still have a festive day. 

 Here are my fave Top 5 Thanksgiving Tips:

  1. ONE AND DONE. Eat your favorite holiday meal, fill up your plate, and then be done. Thanksgiving is a day, not a week-long holiday. 

  2. HAVE YOUR DESSERT IN A CUP.  Mini pumpkin pie desserts serve as an easy way to keep your portion size in check, and they are adorable and don’t need added ice cream.    

  3. TAKE EXTRA STEPS.  Pay attention to your daily goals. If you typically walk 10,000 steps/day, then increase it to 11,000 for the Thanksgiving week. That extra caloric burn will make a difference by January. 

  4. MAKE A SIMPLE RULE: NO SNACKING. Those spicy homemade pecan nuts are yummy, but the extra calories here and there can add up so quickly. Not all snacks are equal, and not all snacking intentions are sound. So, just on Thanksgiving, stick to your meals for the day, start with a protein filled breakfast, and return to your healthy, nutrient sound snacks on Friday.  

  5. DON’T STOP DRINKING (WATER).  Remember the rule of thumb for ounces to drink a day: Body weight/2 + 20= ounces H20/day

If you are a regular reader of mine you know that I often talk about menopause and how lower estrogen levels can lead to a slower metabolism. A less active lifestyle (maybe the loss of your group spin class during COVID) and loss of muscle mass are added factors that allow extra pounds to creep on and make them tougher than ever to shake off. But if you keep these simple tips in mind, you can come out of Thanksgiving feeling good and ready to prepare for (gulp) Christmas (more on that soon!).

If you would like more information on finding ways to keep healthy through the holidays or in our regular life, please reach out, and I would love to get you started. 

It is my hope that everyone has a safe and healthy Thanksgiving,

whatever it looks like for your family! 

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