My Fave Travel Tips for a Healthy Summer Vacation

My Fave Travel Tips for a Healthy Summer Vacation

People are on the road this summer and that’s a good thing after months at home, but the reality is that road trips can wreak havoc on our healthy habits. Case in point: after 8.5 hours on the road last weekend stuck in traffic (did I mention that people are traveling?), my friend and I ran out of our pre-packed snacks of veggies and fruit and ended up at WAWA seeking food to keep us going. Needless to say, temptations were everywhere and truthfully, it was hard not to cave. Feeling both tired and salty, we compromised on pretzels, hummus, nuts, and um….something with the name "chocolatey good" on the label. Unfortunately, with the best intentions, willpower can only keep us on the course for so long and traveling breaks down even the most die-hard commitments to health and wellness.  

No one wants to come home from a trip with extra weight to lose. Being on the road does make it harder to keep the weight off and stay on a routine. However, I do know that eating healthy while traveling is possible; but it does take a little planning and effort. The key is to pack your own snacks whenever possible to avoid the mess of a gas station or airport newsstand, where there are nothing but empty calories and bad choices.  Packing your snacks allows you to control precisely what you're eating by letting you control the serving size and the kind of food to eat. In addition, TSA will enable you to bring your snacks to airports, so solid foods are a great travel option.  (just make sure that it isn’t anything spreadable, ie:  hummus!) 

What exactly should you eat while traveling? Think of foods that will be satisfying and give you energy. When we get hungry, our blood sugar drops and suddenly we find ourselves grabbing the first thing we can to give us energy. The good news is that by making snacks ahead of time, you’ll prevent the road trip regret that comes from staring into the bottom of a bag of peanut butter pretzels and wondering where they went (I speak from experience on that one, yikes). 

My fave healthy snacks for car and plane travel:

  1. Dried or fresh fruit

  • Apples are great for travel, as they can be cut up quickly, and the juicy, fresh taste will wake you up.  

  • Blueberries with chopped fresh mint. Throw blueberries in a mason jar, and they are the perfect snack to eat on the go, plus they are full of fiber.

  • Dried apricots or mangoes.  If you don’t have time to prep fresh fruit, go with dried versions but be careful of portions and added sugar. 

2. Nuts

  • Almonds and walnuts are high in fiber and protein, and monounsaturated fat. 

  • Just keep an eye out for your serving size. (1 oz. is about ¼ c. of almonds, or 23 nuts) They are both super healthy, but the calories can add up quickly. 

3.  Pre-cut veggies

  • Take 10 mins to chop and prepare some veggies before your next road or plane trip.

  • Carrots contain four times the daily recommended amount of beta-carotene and require minimal effort in preparation. Or use the baby ones?

  • Cherry tomatoes are rich in potassium and are the perfect bite-size on-the-go snack.

  • Colorful peppers like orange, red, and yellow are sweet and freshening.  

How to pack your snacks:

There are so many lightweight and portable options for carrying your snacks. Try a few to find what works best for you, such as: silicone containers. We love these. They wash well, don't leave any odor, and are super lightweight.

  1. Mason jars and they are worth revisiting at their extensive selection. These aren't your Mom's typical Tupperware!!  

  2. Reusable small shopping bags. You can dig through your house and find any assortment, particularly these

Traveling can be a time of excitement and stress. Especially this season when everything seems new and different.  But when we're under pressure, we're more likely to reach for the easiest, quickest options, even when we question the nutritional value! Avoid the temptation altogether, skip the food market at 7 Eleven, and keep on track with your wellness plan while you are on the road, and  come home feeling refreshed, and rejuvenated!!  

Do you have a fave road trip healthy snack idea to share? If so, let me know. Stay tuned for my next blog post about exercise and movement during vacation too!

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