Yoga is the best movement for this time!

Yoga is the best movement for this time!

Why yoga is the best movement during the COVID-19….

Four legged friends like it too…

Four legged friends like it too…

We are in a scary and uncertain time. Everyone who can work from home, and even those who can't, are staying put in their houses to keep healthy and attempt to "flatten the curve" of the pandemic. COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) created a massive upheaval in our lives, and many (myself included!) sway between feeling stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed. Over and over, we hear that keeping a routine at home is essential as we face this new normal. Exercise and eat right, wake up at the same time, and gasp, wear "real clothes" every day. So, where can you begin to feel better during this scary time?  

The answer is yoga. I know you’re going to say  "It's too hard. I could never do that." " I am not flexible enough." "Where would I practice?" "I need to feel the endorphins. I don't have enough patience, and I don't have time." "My family would laugh at me. I would have to lock up the dog!" It's just not me.  

But we can move past the fear with patience, and moving forward can change our attitude. It's our choice on how we want to feel during this time, and it may take a bit of effort. But I believe that this crazy time is the best time to try yoga, and I can help you get started!  

Here are my simple tips for starting a home yoga practice: 

  • Grab a yoga mat. Choose a color that makes you smile and looks bright and happy. Yoga mats are available online (this is my favorite) and in most retail stores, with tons to chose from. I promise you that a muted brown won't exactly call you and get you going, so find one of your favorite colors.   

  • Make some space in your home. It doesn't have to be super private, but ideally, it should be on a hardwood surface. Clear out an area so that when you move, you aren't bumping into things.  It is a bit of a challenge during the quarantine, but the areas like a garage, corner of a basement or walk-in closet work well.  

  • Learn to distinguish between pain and discomfort. Yoga pain feels hot and sharp, whereas discomfort is more of a dull, nagging sensation. Generally speaking, if you feel discomfort, perhaps you can soften or adjust or even use props to assist you. When you practice, you learn to pay attention to your breath and body.  

  • Make progress in your yoga practice but also focus on establishing a practice that works both to maintain your flexibility and strength. A good, balanced sequence would include some foundation poses, twists, and balance postures.  

  • Commit to a time and make it achievable. When I first started practicing at home, one of my favorite friends and teacher told me to set the timer and commit to it. Even if it's for 5 minutes, the consistency of daily practicing will make the difference, not the duration of the practice.

  • Explore classes online and different styles.  Start with Hatha or vinyasa flows, and keep them simple and brief.  So many online studios have 14-day trials, and so this is the perfect time to digitally tune into classes and styles.  

  • Most of all, have fun and don't take any of it too seriously. No one is judging and watching. Exercise alone has been shown to boost our feel-good hormones and lower stress. But there are changes we can make as well with playing. It sparks creativity and joy and helps us with keeping a fresh perspective and being open to trying new things and ideas.  

Our life right is full of uncertainty and unknowns. Fear can keep us from moving forward in times that we feel paralyzed. Be willing to take a risk, laugh when you fail, or fall, and your life will feel more full and inviting.  

Are you interested in getting started with yoga? Contact me for more information about how, and I will show you it doesn't have to feel overwhelming.  Check out my Instagram where I have posted a few simple flows to get you started! @lindsayrentz.  

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