Why Our Mindset is Everything

Why Our Mindset is Everything

Have you ever thought about making a change in your life, but something inside you is unsure where to begin? There's that small voice inside that holds you back from taking the steps needed, and instead, you go back to your old routine, habit, job, relationship, or even workout.  

Being in your 50s is hard. That's the truth, menopause, teenagers, financial concerns, job security, weight gain, you name it. It's no wonder why it's easier to settle in and let things and experiences happen around us in mid-life.  But the good news is that it’s never too late to start something new and the key for me is  gathering inspiration from others who’ve made the leap.

An opportunity was presented to me recently, and I was nervous about going for it. What if I wasn’t the right fit? What  if  I didn’t get it?  I reached out to my risk-taking friends to see ihere they get their inspiration and strength, and  here’ s what they said: 

"I feel like my young self has always been a risk-taker and not afraid to take chances. I'm lucky that my voice lives in me." 

" I choose to move and make decisions from a place of abundance and not fear. Fear blocks us from the flow, and abundance opens us up to unlimited possibilities. Yes, it is super scary to start your own business for fear of failure, but I trust my intuition. We don't listen to ourselves enough. "

What’s the secret sauce that allows my amazing friends to be so confident in taking risks, even at “our age?” Simple, they both have a growth mindset. Psychologist Carol Dweck developed the theory that a fixed mindset - the voice that holds you back from trying new things- may prevent you from failing in the short–run, but in the long–run, it hinders your ability to learn, grow, and develop and a result, people who have a growth mindset are more likely to maximize their potential because they  embrace challenges rnd find inspiration in the success of others rather than feeling threatened. The habit of reverting to a fixed mindset is unconscious for me  and many others, when I think thoughts like:

  • "I'm not good with numbers. I could never start a business."

  • "I'm not a natural athlete. I could never learn a new sport."

  • "I'm not creative. I am limited in the kitchen when it comes to creating healthy meals."

  • "I'm a procrastinator. I have a hard time beginning a new plan."

  • "It's hard for me to lose weight. It's never worked in the past."

So what can we do to  get rid of these negative thoughts and embrace a growth mindset, no matter our age? 

We can start by showing up for ourselves  every day. Here are a few tips:

  • Acknowledge and brace your imperfections.  There’s no such thing as perfect!

  • Face your challenges and surround yourself with support from a coach or good friend in your corner.  We all learn from each other.

  • Learn to trust yourself and listen to your intuition.  

  • Speed isn’t important.  The process is what matters, so breaking down your big goals into smaller steps will be more realistic to get to long term goals. 

  • Own your attitude. Choose positivity! Your attitude is "a way of looking at life”, not just the way we think, but the way we think, feel and do.  

Thanks to my amazing friends and their inspiration, I did go for the job and got it, and it’s going great!  It was a leap, but I got there! If any of these thoughts resonated and you are looking to find a healthier lifestyle, reach out, and together we can get you there.  Everyone needs some support!

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